
Topic: What is the funniest case of "Parents against gaming" that you've seen or heard of

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My Parents have always been okay with gaming, so have other parents I know. But I want to know your funniest case of either parents not understanding gaming or against gaming, that you've seen, heard of, or experienced.

Edited on by Gaming-Penguin



Well when i was a teen around the time Mortal kombat first came out i remember the news reporters making a big deal about it. They were saying it would lead to kids committing murder and violence outbreaks across America. It's the game that started the whole Rating system we still use today. The Clinton's even got involved and tried to get the game banned.



My parents were fine with my brothers and I gaming when we were kids - they actually used to play too occasionally. I do have a "Spouse against gaming" problem currently though 😂 I'm often accused of being a big kid because I play games - I'm in my 40s. There's always a really dramatic "what have you been buying now" or "do you really need that?" whenever something new arrives in the post.

She's wasn't that keen on our kids playing games either and put a strict time limit on it when they were younger. We'd often point out that she used to spend a ridiculous amount of time playing games on her phone back then too (Candy Crush, Angry Birds etc) but she didn't consider that 'gaming' as she wasn't sat with a 'controller' in her hand. She now spends a ridiculous amount of time mindlessly scrolling social media which is probably rotting her brain more than gaming ever could ours.



@dmcc0 I have a similar situation with my wife, although she's fairly good about it. I just see her sometimes roll her eyes when she sees me grab my Switch. But whenever she says anything about video games being for kids, I just ask her, "What are all the kids doing these days? Playing video games or being on their phones 24/7?" And since she is on her phone 24/7, she has no comeback.

Edited on by Xyphon22


3DS Friend Code: 5069-3937-8083


Dunno if this counts as “parents against gaming” but I have seen a bunch of videos online about how back in the day about how people thought that Pokémon encourages animal abuse or getting kids into animal fighting. This is despite the fact that the Pokémon franchise (specifically the anime) portrays people that abuse Pokémon as being people that don’t deserve to be called a trainer like Damien from the charmander episode.



My parents aren't too bad tbh.
Once my eyes got really irritated (could have been dry-eyes or just a infection) and they said that it was because i spend to much time on electronics 😂😂
This is how most of the "Parents against gaming" once go for me, just blaming some of the bad things that happen to me on video games haha.

Space and Games are similar. Space is endless and new stuff is out there waiting to be discovered. Games are always being made but the creativity is different from one game to another and so many more ideas still haven't been imagined or created yet. (That came out better than expected lol)

Switch Friend Code: SW-1116-1320-6156


Honestly, my mom was rather loose with no restrictions on gaming except when it only came to the subject of school homework. Or rather just a flexible parent she was. Even she didn't like the idea of homework.

But my cousin's parents were sorta like that...maybe. But that's all I remember. I'm just glad my mom wasn't like those parents. And I surely would never be like them either.

I sell my famous Chesapeake Tupperware.



When I was a kid, the first games we had I got from my cousin's old NES and some games (and eventually some more games), but then a couple of years later our big Christmas gift was this like mix and match non-electronic ice hockey/other sports table...thing that we occasionally played but because we still mostly stuck with the NES, my Mom threw it out.

In hindsight its very odd since she didn't stop buying us newer games every year, but she just decided "screw it" that one time I guess because we didn't play this sports table thing that I don't remember working all that great (but to be fair, I was like 7 so I could've been wrong).

Non-binary, demiguy, making LPs, still alive

Megaman Legends 2 Let's Play!:


So few parents are against video games these days. I'd say many leverage them as a babysitting tool.

Having experience in retail, I chuckle every time a parent buys their pre-teen child an M-rated video game. "My little Billy (who's maybe ten years old) wants the new Grand Theft Auto." To which I internally say to her, "you want your kid to taste the online cesspool that is GTA?" Although I suppose online lobbies for CoD aren't any better either these days.

There's nothing like having an individual (who hasn't hit puberty) on the other end of the mic talking wild, outlandish, sexually or racially charged ****.

Edited on by Magician

Switch Physical Collection - 1,257 games (as of June 4th, 2024)
Favorite Quote: "Childhood is not from birth to a certain age and at a certain age the child is grown, and puts away childish things. Childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies." -Edna St. Vincent Millay


Magician wrote:

There's nothing like having an individual (who hasn't hit puberty) on the other end of the mic talking wild, outlandish, sexually or racially charged ****.

They could read some of the article comments here instead, I suppose.
This always makes me chuckle:


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